Take a Leap into the Future
BRD Grips motto has always been to bring a truly innovative grip to the golfer. Technically it is "Take a leap into the future", one big metaphor to renovate an accessory that has
stayed the same for decades.
The initial idea was to design just a one layer grip with an innovative look and a two-tone texture for a higher tackiness. Of course we looked for the space to bend the rules and worked hard on the polymer and its double-layer construction to assure the golfers, especially to those who have high swing speeds and suffer the vibrations the most, a comfort, a soft feel and a shock-absorption like never before.
So technically it's still a golf grip, but has nothing to do with all the grips you've ever played before.
c/o BRD Grips - Since 2016 - Italy
Reviews and Editorials
My Golf Spy: mygolfspy.com/brd-golf-grips-dallitalia-con-amore/
Golf Monthly: golfmonthly.com/reviews/accessories/brd-x1-grip-review, golfmonthly.com/gear/editors-choice-2023 and golfmonthly.com/best-golf-deals/best-golf-grips
Sports Illustrated: si.com/golf/gear/will-brd-grips-x1-offering-take-grips-to-new-heights
PGA Magazine: October 2022
Links Magazine: linksmagazine.com/10-holiday-gift-ideas-for-golfers/
Today's Golfer: todays-golfer.com/equipment/accessories/miscellaneous/grips/brd/brd-x1-grip-review
Golfers Authority: golfersauthority.com/blogs/golf/best-golf-grips-for-irons
Golfers Magazine: golfersmagazine.nl/artikel/495454/getest-brd-x1-grips
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